Dear Client
We at Just Service Global ensure we give regular market updates to all those holding financial products from a range of companies to ensure they are always well informed on both the investment markets as well as the status of their holdings in savings, investment or pension products.
We are currently in uncharted territory within the investment markets of the world. Whilst by every historic measure, markets are overpriced and too high, there are very strong stories for some sectors, in particular technology and healthcare.
With the exception of financial products where you invest on a regular basis and where you have a time horizon of over five years - we now advise every client of the Just Service Global Group (includes all advisory firms within our network) to complete the attached risk profile (see below and attached) and send it back to your adviser. We can then ensure that your current risk profile matches whatever financial products you hold.
If you have completed or otherwise updated your risk profile in recent months and please ask your adviser to once again check your savings/investment/pension portfolios are consistent with your latest risk profile.
We ask you to forward the completed questionnaire to your adviser or to admin@justserviceglobal.com

This risk profile questionnaire serves as a discussion basis between you and your Financial Adviser on setting investment objective(s) and either, selecting investment product(s) appropriate for you, or reviewing your existing savings, investment or pension portfolios. It is considered as a reference when you make an investment decision. It is recommended that you fully understand the risks associated with individual investments before making any investment decisions. You should not purchase an investment product unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable to you. The final decision is yours.