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Health Insurance Options

Number of Plans



Target Market




Client Admin service centre for Asia






















Key Benefits















20 year old male


40 year old male


60 year old male


Family of 4 (45 yr male, 45 yr female, 2 children >18)


4 plans​


Anyone living or working outside of their home country.



Yes, local or freephone number for Hong Kong and Singapore




Flexible menu based plans ‘tailor-made’ to suit individuals needs






Not portable to home country,
basic plan quite limited, full options very pricey



- Flexible menu based plans - multiple benefit levels available within group plans
- Group schemes available with different excess levels
- Change excess at renewal with no new underwriting
- Lifetime renewals and entry up to age 74 
- Free membership of Blood Care Foundation
- Award winning 24/7 claim service
- Simple online enrolment process  - apply and pay online and be covered in minutes
- The higher the excess, the cheaper the premium.


Yes but not portable to home country. USA coverage optional



USD 1,465 p.a.


USD 2,462 p.a.


USD 6,538 p.a.


USD 7,553 p.a.

3 plans​


Non-US residents in need of international coverage including the United States.


No, online only, USA





Worldwide portability including home country; includes travel insurance; 2 years waiver of premium waived if main policy holder dies; everything covered under one policy.


No routine dental options available





- Worldwide coverage including the U.S.
- Maternity benefits and complication of pregnancy included
- Organ transplant
- Remote second medical opinions and patient concierge services
- Travel assistance included
- No claims discount
- Discount for families
- Waiver of premium payments upon death of primary insured
- Optional disability benefit for sickness and accident.








USD 1,754 p.a.


USD 2,858 p.a.


USD 4.397 p.a.


USD 7,425 p.a.

5 plans​


Anyone living or working outside of their home country.



Real person customer service responses.
Broker contact offices in Hong Kong, Thailand, Dubai


Option of regional cover only keeps costs low. 
Worldwide cover for full plan with various options. 




Not portable to home country (and a handful of other countries including Netherlands, Switzerland, USA) 


- Personalised customer care and service 
- Affordable and flexible to suit the customer’s needs















Essential Plan: regional only
Elite Plan: worldwide (restrictions depending on area apply)


USD 1,882 p.a.


USD 3,005 p.a.


USD 6,270 p.a.


USD 7,662 p.a.



Company c


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